Sunday, April 5, 2009

Corrida de Torros-Español 1

As we discuss deportes in class, there are some sports in Spanish speaking countries that are very distinct and traditional. One such sport is Bull Fighting. Naturally, this sport has a lot of controversy associated with it. It also has a lot of cultural and historical importance to the country of Spain. Go to the following link and read about the sport of Bull Fighting and answer the following questions.

1. Qué es el Toro Bravo?
2. Quíen formó las reglas del Corrida del Toro (who formed the rules)
3. Qué es paseillo?
4. Qué son las tres partes?
5. Qué es un capote?
6. Qué es tu opnión del Corrida del Toro?


Anonymous said...

1. a species of bull of an ancient race that is only conserved in Spain
2. Francisco Romero was a key figure in laying down the rules for the new sport
3. when everybody involved in the bullfight enters the ring and presents themselves to the president and public
4. In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote, a rather large cape that is a pinkish-mauve colour on one side and yellow on the other, The second tercio is la suerte de banderillas. Three banderilleros must stick a pair of banderillas into the charging bull's back, the final suerte suprema the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick. He has to show his mastery to dominate the bull, and to establish an artistic symbiosis between man and beast
5. a rather large cape that is a pinkish-mauve colour on one side and yellow on the other
6. it sucks really bad. i wouldn't do it if they had me at gun point

EmKing011 said...

1. It's a specie of bull.
2. Francisco Romero.
3. When the people in the bullfight presents themselves.
4. In the first one, the bullfighter starts with a capote and two picadors enter on horses, armed with lances, in the second one three banderilleros must stick a pair of banderillas into the charging bull's back, and in the third one the bullfighter uses a muleta to dominate the bull.
5. A cape with one pink side and one yellow side.
6. I don't really care about bullfighting.

tieshamarbury said...

1.a type of bull
2. franciso romero
3.when people go into the ring
4. take the cape, next a la suerte de banderillas, then make the bull charge, then use a mulet, the bull an the man face each other.
5. a cape
6. i wouldnt do it ,its a very dangerous sport

itsmejtbby said...

1.a species of bull of an ancient race that is only conserved in Spain.
2.Francisco Romero.
3.when everyone involved in the bullfight enters the ring and presents themselves to the president and public.
4.In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote, a rather large cape that is a pinkish-mauve colour on one side and yellow on the other,The second tercio is la suerte de banderillas and In the final suerte suprema the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick.
5.large cape that is a pinkish-mauve colour on one side and yellow on the other.
6.i think it is a very dangerous event that i could never imagine doing in a million yers!

famous122 said...

1.A species of bull of an ancient race that is only conserved in Spain.
2.Francisco Romero was a key figure in laying down the rules for the new sport.
3.When everybody involved in the bullfight enters the ring and presents themselves to the president and public.
4.In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote, a rather large cape that is a pinkish-mauve color on one side and yellow on the other. Now the two picadors enter on horseback, armed with a sort of lance. The second tercio is la suerte de banderillas. Three banderilleros must stick a pair of banderillas into the charging bull's back. In the final suerte suprema the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick. He has to show his mastery to dominate the bull, and to establish an artistic symbiosis between man and beast. The corrida ends with the torero using his sword to kill the bull.
5.A rather large cape that is a pinkish-mauve color on one side and yellow on the other.
6.I don’t really see the point in having an angry bull try to kill you, but that’s just me.

pryor211 said...

1.a species of bulls of an ancient race that is only conserved in spain
2.francisco romero
3. when everybody involved in the bullfight enters the ring and presents themselves to the president and public.
4.In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote, a rather large cape. The second tercio is la suerte de banderillas. Three banderilleros must stick a pair of banderillas into the charging bull's back.In the final suerte suprema the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick.a rather large cape that is 5.a pinkish-mauve colour on one side and yellow on the other.
6.i think it is very fun an challenging to the ones that do it.but it is nothing that i would do cause i think it is very crazy

Anonymous said...

1) a species of bull of an ancient race that is only conserved in Spain.
2) Frsnciso Romero
3) when everbody involved in the bull fight enters the ring and present themselves to the present and public
4)In the first tercio, the bullfighter uses the capote, a rather large cape that is a pinkish mauve color on one side and yellow on the other.The second tercio is la suerte de banderillas.The final suerte suprema the bullfighter uses the muleta, a small red cloth draped from a stick
5) a rather large cape that is pinkish mauve color on one side and yellow on the other
6)i dont to much care for bullfighting cuz i think its really stupid and a waste of time